Monday, August 22, 2016

How to Make Cheese

**Announcement** Lab delayed until tomorrow

Explain how molecules rearrange to create new molecules with different properties. 


In your Science Journal, create a new entry at the TOP (above Friday's entry). The assignment title is "How to Make Cheese." While I take attendance, write an answer to the question: How is cheese made? Do not research on the internet, just write your best guess. 

Complete the Pre-Reading Vocab chart (handed out in class). 
Underneath your warmup in your science journal, make a table with 2 columns and at least 6 rows. Title the first column "Says" and title the second column "Means"
Read the article "How to Make Cheese"  to get a scientific understanding on how cheese is made. Copy at least 5 passages that you don't understand from the article and paste them into the "Says" column in your Says/Means chart in your journal. Read these passages closely and summarize what they mean in the "Means" column of your chart. 

Here's an example of a good says/means chart.

Grab a whiteboard and work with your table group to create a scientific explanation for how to make cheese that a 7th grader would understand. 

Here are some examples of good summaries:

Open Socrative and join room 850052

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