Friday, October 28, 2016

Mid-Project Review

Reflect on how your project is going so far.


Take a minute to think about where your project is at and where it is going.


  1. Use a pen or pencil to score yourself on the teamwork rubric. 
  2. On the back of your rubric, write next Friday's date (11/4) and a goal for improving how you are working as a team member. 
  1. Open your museum Google Doc. 
  2. Go to Assignment 5 at the bottom. Underneath your Elevator Pitch Script, complete the following assignment. 
    1. With your team, write a 5 sentence summary of what the museum people said about your project. 
    2. Write 3 next steps based on the feedback from the museum people. This can be changes, things to add, what to start building, etc. 
Start following up on the next steps you wrote. 

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Practice Your Pitch

Write a script that meets the elevator pitch criteria. 

Review Elevator Pitch Badge
Write Script
Practice Pitch

Review Elevator Pitch Badge
Tomorrow you will be pitching your exhibit idea to the museum representatives. You will only have 2 minutes to present your idea. This is called an Elevator Pitch. To get a better picture of what this means, review the Elevator Pitch Badge

Yes, you will need to video record your presentation. It might also be helpful to record the feedback from the museum representatives. 

Write Script
You will be presenting to someone "in field." Write a script for this presentation.

  1. Open your museum google doc.
  2. Go to Assignment 5.
  3. Work with your team to write a script that meets the following criteria
    1. Why are you doing what you’re doing? (Third Grader's Question and standard)
    2. How are you addressing this question or problem? (Learning Goal and how it relates to the question)
    3. What happened so far? (Your idea and how it meets their criteria)
    4. Articulate action steps and what happens next.
Practice Pitch
Tomorrow you will be presenting. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE and use a timer. Here are some guidelines
  • Not everyone has to talk. You can have one or two representatives do most of the talking. 
  • You only get 2 minutes. Memarzadeh was very clear about this. If your pitch is too long, rewrite your script. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Evaluate Ideas

Evaluate exhibit ideas based on how well they fit the museum criteria and address your learning goal. Choose which idea to present on Friday.

Finish Assignment 2
Design Decision Matrix

Finish Assignment 2

  1. Open your Museum Google Doc. Scroll down to Assignment 2.
  2. Click on the link to open your Padlet. If your Padlet has 15-20 UNIQUE ideas, skip to step 4. 
  3.  Go to this Pinterest search or the Exploratorium Snacks. Use these resources to add more ideas to your Padlet until you have 15-20 UNIQUE ideas. That's 5 ideas per person in your group. 
  4. Look at all the ideas with your group and select 5 UNIQUE ideas that you think would make the best exhibits. Summarize these ideas under Assignment 2 in your Museum Google Doc. 
Design Decision Matrix
  1. Grab a whiteboard and make the table below, filling in your 5 ideas at the top.
  2. For each idea, rate how well they meet the 5 criteria on a scale of 1-4.
  3. Add up the numbers for each idea in the "Total" row at the bottom. The one with the highest score is your best idea. 

Idea #1
Idea #2
Idea #3
Idea #4
Idea #5
Multi Sided/Multi User

Minds On

Hands On

Understanding (learning goal)



  1. Grab 1-2 pieces of graph paper. Fold paper in half. 
  2. Label each section of the graph paper with either "top," "bottom," "front," or "side."
  3. Draw blueprints of the Front, Back, Top, and Sides of your exhibit. The exhibit will be built on a 20" x 20" platform. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


Brainstorm ways to teach a science phenomenon that is hands on and minds on. Aim for at least 15-20 ideas. 

How to Brainstorm

We need to refine your learning goals. Use the sentence frame on the whiteboard to rewrite your learning goal under "Assignment 2" in your museum Google Doc. Remember, you DO NOT have to teach the whole standard or answer the entire question. Focus on one little piece of knowledge that can be used to answer the question. 

How to Brainstorm
Watch this video about do's and don'ts of brainstorming. 

See how many ideas you can come up with for your museum exhibit. Don't worry about how good they are or if they meet all the requirements, we will deal with that tomorrow. 

  1. Have your scribe open up the Padlet you created yesterday.
  2. Start brainstorming possible ideas for your museum exhibit. Scribe will record each idea on Padlet. Remember, on Padlet you can add photos and videos so you might want to use whiteboards or record your conversations. 
Add more ideas to your Padlet from the internet. You might want to start by Googling home science experiments for your topic. You can also use Pinterest or the Exploratorium Snacks as resources to get you started.

Add links to possible exhibit ideas to your Padlet. Remember, we want LOTS of ideas. We are aiming for at least 15. Your Padlet should be full. 

Tomorrow we will be figuring out which idea(s) to prototype and present to the museum on Friday. Let's narrow it down. 
  1. Look at your idea board (Padlet) with your group and discuss which 3-5 ideas would be the best. Consider the museum exhibit goals, your question, and your exhibit learning goal. 
  2. Have your scribe open your museum Google Doc. 
  3. Make a list of the top 3-5 ideas under "Assignment 2."

Monday, October 24, 2016

Choose a Question

Explain a science phenomenon that answers a third grader's question.

Project Setup
Choose a Question
Answer the Question
Find Your Standard
Plan for Tomorrow

How do effective teams work? Think about...

  • What do effective teams look and sound like?
  • How are effective teams managed?
  • How is the work divided?
Project Setup
  1. Choose roles for each member of your team. Consider roles such as facilitator, scribe, etc.
  2. Have your scribe make a copy of this Google doc and share it with your team members and me. 
Choose a Question
A few weeks ago I met with a third grade teacher at Rock Springs Elementary School. Her students came up with a list of questions about the world around them to guide your museum exhibits. 
  1. Look at this list of questions and choose one with your group. 
  2. Once you have chosen a question, tell me and I will sign you up. Only 1 group per question: first come, first served. 
Answer the Question
Work with your team to find the answer to your third graders' question. Record the answer on your Google Doc. You will need to refer back to this throughout the project so it's important you really understand the answer to the question. 

Here is a folder with the 3rd grade textbooks. You might be able to find some information there.

Find Your Standard
  1. Look at the list of third grade science standards and find the one that matches your question best.
  2. It's impossible to teach an entire science standard in your exhibit. Choose one evidence statement that matches your research question. 
  3. Record the standard and evidence statement on your Google Doc. 
Plan for Tomorrow
I won't be here tomorrow and you need to start brainstorming ideas for your exhibit because you begin building a prototype on Wednesday. Here's what you are going to do:
  1. Create a Padlet for your team. This is a webpage where you can share links, photos, etc. You will use this as an idea board where you put as many ideas for museum exhibits to answer your question as you can think of. 
  2. Copy the link to your Padlet and paste it into the Google Doc.