Friday, April 28, 2017

Finish Survey

Create a 10-20 question survey to evaluate your system.

Finish Your Survey
Add the share link to your design Journal

Thursday, April 27, 2017

How do you survey?

Create a 10-20 question survey to evaluate your system.

Name the New Fish
Why are you surveying?
Create your Survey

Name the New Fish
Vote Here

Why are you surveying?
Grab a whiteboard. With your group, write down:
1. WHAT you want to learn about your system
2. WHY you want to focus on that part of the system
3. WHO you should survey to find out about how the system is working

Create Your Survey
We have created some guidelines for your survey here. Make sure your survey includes the purpose as well as a mixture of questions types.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Models Due

Model your system.

Finish Models
Complete your models in Pureflow (or another approved app)

Update Journal
Make sure parts A and B in the systems journal are complete.
I will be renaming your journals based on your project. Don't freak out.

Print Models
Print your models to C211-212 and turn these in to me by the end of class. My goal is to return them to you with feedback by the end of the week.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Keep Working

Complete research.
Model system.

Complete Research:
Continue your system research. If you are studying a local community issue, Voice of San Diego has a lot of great articles as does the Union Tribune and KPBS

Model System
Once you have a rough sketch of your model, use Pureflow to make a cleaned up final draft. Here is the rubric I will be grading you on. A 4 has the following components:

  • A key is provided to help the viewer understand color codes or symbols.
  • Components and relationships are identified and defined based on research.
  • Colors, labels, and arrows are used to clearly classify the components and make their relationships easier to understand (e.g., inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes, funding, laws, organizations)
  • The components are arranged spatially in a way that is easy to read.