Friday, November 4, 2016

Alpha and Beta Decay

Identify patterns in how a nucleus changes in alpha or beta decay.

Finish ACT
Teamwork Rubric
Phet Simulations
Exit Ticket

Finish ACT
Periods 1 and 2 need to finish the ACT. You have 10 minutes. Do your best.

Teamwork Rubric
Choose a facilitator, scribe, and timer. Follow the provided protocol for teamwork evaluation.

On the provided paper, write down 1 question or wondering you have about radiation based on what you learned yesterday.

Phet Simulations

  1. Create a new journal entry entitled "Alpha and Beta Decay." 
  2. Copy these questions into your science journal.
  3. Using a computer, answer the questions in your journal by using the Phet simulations
    1. Alpha Decay
    2. Beta Decay
Exit Ticket
Complete the exit ticket. 

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Radiation and ACT

Learn a bit about radiation all around you.
Show how well you understand data analysis, experimental design, and scientific arguments.

Personal Radiation Dose
ACT Test


Personal Radiation Dose
Complete this worksheet to estimate your annual personal radiation dose. 

ACT Test
This is a science diagnostic. All DLA scholars will be taking this test. You do not need to know science, you need to know experiments and analysis. You must answer every question.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Finish infographics

Finish Infographic

Finish Infographic
Remember you are combining the draft infographics into one super awesome infographic. DON'T LOSE MEMARZADEH'S ART SUPPLIES OR I WILL SEND HER AFTER YOU. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Work on Infographics

Finish draft infographic and start final infographic. Remember, your final infographics are due tomorrow at the end of class. After that you will have no time in class to work so USE YOUR TIME WISELY. 

Finish Draft Infographic
Start Final Infographic


Message from Mr. Nuthall. "We are applying for an ASSET grant that will bring us significant funds to extend before and after school activities. The 200K would be helpful in so many ways. The application requires scholar survey results. The survey is due this week and it is very short. Here is the link:"

Finish Draft Infographic
Finish your individual draft infographic. When you are done, turn it in on Haiku

Start Final Infographic
Here you will combine the draft infographics into one super awesome infographic. You might want to draft how they will go together on a whiteboard before you draw the final thing. Get a piece of 11x17 paper from the sub. I borrowed markers and colored pencils from Memarzadeh. DON'T LOSE THEM OR I WILL SEND HER AFTER YOU. 

Monday, October 31, 2016

Intro to Infographics

Goal:Visually explain a scientific phenomenon.

Why Infographics?
How to Infographic

With your group, look at the following 4 infographics.
Discuss the following questions:
  1. What strategies were used to present the information?
  2. Which infographic was best? Why?
Why Infographics?
Watch this TED talk (start at ~7:45) and think about why data visualization is useful. 

How To Infographic
In creating infographics, there are a few strategies and tools to employ. Read about them here:

You will create infographics to answer your museum project question. Grab a whiteboard and answer the following questions with your project group:
  1. What are all of the possible phenomena you need to explain to answer your third grader's question?
  2. Which information, facts, and data are essential to include? Which aren’t?
  3. What colors and layout works best in sharing the information?
  4. What graphs and graphics best convey information and data to the viewer?
  5. What is the order, or flow, of information?
You will each create a draft of an infographic for your project individually in Notability. Work on that now.