Friday, August 19, 2016

Let's Get Started!

Establish routines to create a safe and effective learning environment. 

Textbook Checkout 

Bookmark the Class Blog 
This will ensure that you know what is going on in class every day, even when you're absent. You can also get the daily agenda emailed you by entering your email in the subscription box on the right.

Subscribe to Remind 
Get out your phone and text @stillmania to 81010. This will get you signed up for text reminders from me, Stillman, and Memarzadeh. You can also use Remind to send us quick messages if you have questions.

Textbook Checkout
We will go to the commons and check out our biochem textbooks. You may leave these at home unless I tell you to bring them to class. 

Set Up Your Science Journal
Open Google Docs. Create a new document with the following title:
[Class Period]-[First Name] [Last Name] Science Journal
for example: 1-Alyssa Wallace Science Journal
It's very important that you get the document title formatted correctly. Once you have created your document, share it with me at

Make Your First Journal Entry
To make things easy on you and me, we put the most recent journal entry on TOP, not the bottom. That way you don't have to scroll through all the previous entries to get to your most recent work. All entries should be formatted as follows: 
Assignment Name
Journal Entry

In today's entry I'd like to know a little bit about you. Choose one of the following prompts or just write from your heart:
"In the future, here's what I want to do, become, and be like..."
"In order for you to know me well, you need to know..."
"This year I want to..." 

Safety Test
Once you have reviewed the safety contract and completed the map, log into Haiku and take the Lab Safety Test. You need to receive a score of 4 to pass this assignment.

If you finish early...
Get nerdy! Find interesting science articles and share them with your classmates by posting to this Padlet page.

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