Friday, August 26, 2016

Redesign to Reduce Error!

Select appropriate variables (independent, dependent, and constant), controls, and techniques to address a research question.

Space Race
Experiment Redesign
Closing Discussion

Space Race
Open Socrative and log into the appropriate room. Your student ID to log in will be your email address.
Period 1 - WALLACEP1
Period 2 - WALLACEP2
Period 4 - WALLACEP4

Experiment Redesign
With your lab partner you are going to redesign the cheese lab experiment. You may choose the same independent variable as in the previous protocol or you may choose another independent variable to test. 
To redesign the lab, you will need to make a copy of this document in google docs, then share it with your partner and with me. 

Closing Discussion
In redesigning the experiment today, we addressed protocol errors. How do you recommend we address the possible measurement errors we experienced in the cheese lab?

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Accuracy, Precision, and Error

Give examples of accurate vs. precise measurements.
Give examples of measurement vs. protocol errors. 


John Oliver - Scientific Studies
What is validity?
Table Talk - Practice 

John Oliver
In this video, John Oliver explains why it's important to be a skeptic, and why you need to understand experimental design. 

What is Validity?

After reviewing the validity flow chart, let's define the terms associated with errors.

Have one member of your table group create a Google Slides presentation and share it with your table-mates and me. I will assign you a term, and you will make a slide giving the definition, characteristics, examples, and non-examples of your assigned term (Accuracy, Precision, Measurement Errors, or Protocol Errors). Bonus points for good visuals!

Table Talk - Practice
With your group, respond to the questions on these slides.

Quizlet Flashcards (click here to access)

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Cheese Errors

Identify possible sources of error in both the protocol used in an experiment and the measurements made to collect results. 

Cheese Lab Day 2
Data Analysis
Sources of Error

New journal entry: Cheese Error
Write a first person narrative from the perspective of your samples describing their experiences over the past 24 hours. 

Cheese Lab Day 2
Complete the lab protocol and calculate your final curd volume. Submit your results on this google form

Data Analysis
As a table group, make 2-3 observation statements for each compiled class data. Record these in your journal. We will discuss as a class. Can you make a claim from this data?

Sources of Error
With your table group grab a whiteboard and make the following chart:

Source of Error
Effect on Results
Possible Solution?

Come up with at least 5 possible sources of error from the cheese lab and complete the chart for each error. Use your warmup to help generate ideas. 

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Cheese Lab Take 1

Identify the research question, variables (independent, dependent, and constant), and controls in an experiment. 

Cheese Lab Day 1

New Journal Entry: Cheese Lab Take 1
Considering what we know about how cheese is made, what variables could we test to answer the question, "What is the best way to make cheese?" How would we measure what is "best?"

Underneath the warmup, create a table with 2 columns and 2 rows as shown below.

Copy the procedure from the cheese lab protocol and paste it under "Procedures" in your table.
Read through the procedure and consider what your independent and dependent variables are. With your table groups come up with a research question with the format "What is the effect of [independent variable] on [dependent variable(s)]? 

Cheese Lab Day 1
After I instruct you on how to use the equipment, follow the lab protocol for day 1 to prepare your cheese samples. Each scholar will prepare 2 samples: 1 with an assigned curdling agent and 1 negative control.

Log into Socrative and join room 850052.

Monday, August 22, 2016

How to Make Cheese

**Announcement** Lab delayed until tomorrow

Explain how molecules rearrange to create new molecules with different properties. 


In your Science Journal, create a new entry at the TOP (above Friday's entry). The assignment title is "How to Make Cheese." While I take attendance, write an answer to the question: How is cheese made? Do not research on the internet, just write your best guess. 

Complete the Pre-Reading Vocab chart (handed out in class). 
Underneath your warmup in your science journal, make a table with 2 columns and at least 6 rows. Title the first column "Says" and title the second column "Means"
Read the article "How to Make Cheese"  to get a scientific understanding on how cheese is made. Copy at least 5 passages that you don't understand from the article and paste them into the "Says" column in your Says/Means chart in your journal. Read these passages closely and summarize what they mean in the "Means" column of your chart. 

Here's an example of a good says/means chart.

Grab a whiteboard and work with your table group to create a scientific explanation for how to make cheese that a 7th grader would understand. 

Here are some examples of good summaries:

Open Socrative and join room 850052