Friday, January 13, 2017

Summarize Cellular Respiration

Prove that you understand the why, what, and how of cellular respiration.

Make a Puzzle

Watch these two videos to get a better idea about cellular respiration.

Make a Puzzle
You and your partner are going to challenge the people across from you. Your task it to make a crossword puzzle (not a word search) about cellular respiration. This is to prove you know why it happens, what it is, and how it works. You will then trade puzzles with the other team at your table and see if you can solve theirs.

  1. Go to Puzzle Maker and work with your partner to make a crossword puzzle.
  2. Print 1 copy of your crossword puzzle (printer is C211-212).
  3. Trade puzzles with the people across from you to see if you all really know cellular respiration. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Intro to Cellular Respiration

Explain how living things get energy as a result of cellular respiration. 

Summarize/Answer Questions
Finish Spreadsheet Wizard Badge

Open this article in Notability. SILENTLY read and annotate the article using the guidelines at the top of the document.

Summarize/Answer Questions
The sub will pass out a worksheet to you. On the front, write a summary of each article. On the back, answer the questions in complete sentences. These will be collected at the end of class.

Finish Spreadsheet Wizard Badge
Finish the spreadsheet wizard badge. Refer to yesterday's blog posts and the prompts in badgelist to help you complete this. 

Spreadsheet Wizard

Earn the spreadsheet wizard 2 badge.
Write a research question for the pea lab.

Lab Quest
Complete the Badge!

Go to Badgelist and join the Spreadsheet Wizard 2 badge.

Lab Quest
Finish collecting the lab data and record it in the observations section of your table from yesterday. Your observations should include:
  1. A photo of your lab setup.
  2. The measurements from the lab. Be careful! Do NOT remove the tubes from the beaker!!!
Review the components of a good graph. Work on whiteboards with your table group to create a skeleton of the graph you will make for this lab. It should include all the components of a good graph. Take a photo of your whiteboard to use as the process piece for your badge.

Graph your data using excel. Use this video as a reference for how to graph in excel if you forgot. Make sure your graph has all the components of a good graph.

Complete the Badge!
Submit the process and product pieces from today to Badgelist. You MUST include a written reflection for each of the 3 artifacts, not just the metacognitive reflection. Here's some questions to guide your writing:

  • Process: Post a photo of your whiteboard. What did you do? Why did you do it? How did drafting on the whiteboard help you make a better graph? 
  • Product: Post a screenshot of your Excel graph. What did you include that makes it a good graph? 
  • Metacognitive Reflection: How does being able to graph things in excel make you a better scientist or a better employee in the future? 

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Welcome Back!

Take steps towards earning the Planning 2 Badge by making sense of the pea lab protocol. 

Welcome Back!
Pea Lab

Welcome Back!
Take a few minutes to catch up with your classmates.

Log into Socrative and take the pre-assessment for this new unit.

  1. Create a new journal entry entitled "Pea Lab Protocol."
  2. Create a Procedures and Observations table in the journal entry
  3. Copy and paste the procedure from this protocol into the "Procedures" section of your table. 
  4. With your table, draw a detailed flowgram of what you will be doing in this lab.
Pea Lab
Complete steps 1-7 of the lab procedure.

Just like the cheese and sand/soil labs, you will be asked to go more in depth with this lab by designing your own experiment, helping you to earn the Planning 2 badge. Today we will be thinking about the Process piece for the badge. To design an experiment you need to know the concepts that drive the procedures. Before you leave I want to know that you are really picking apart and making sense of the lab protocol. In your journal, please do the following:
  1. Use the comments feature of Google Docs to annotate the lab procedure. Specifically focus on trying to figure out why you are doing each step and record any questions that you might have about what was done in the procedure.
  2. Write 2 short responses to the following prompts:
    1. What is one conceptual question you have about what you did in this lab procedure (see lab protocol for some examples)? Research the answer to your question. Based on your research, what did you discover?
    2. What biochemical process do you think is going to happen in this lab? Based on that, what do you think the results of your 2 samples are going to look like?