Friday, September 2, 2016

Earn Your First Badge!

Finish requirements for the Analytical Techniques Level 1 Badge.
Make sure your cheese lab procedure is ready for Tuesday. 

Lab Cleanup
First Blog Post
Analytical Instruments Test

Lab Cleanup
We made a big mess this week. Let's get the lab put back together so it's already to go for Tuesday. 

First Blog Post
I will walk you through the process for posting an artifact to earn a badge. The directions can also be found here under "The Workflow." We will create a blog post for Artifact 1 - Graduated Cylinder Check with the label "Analytical Techniques Level 1." 

Analytical Instruments Test
Go to Haiku and take the Analytical Instruments Test. You need to get a 80% (3.2/4) to meet the validation criteria. You can take the test as many times as you need to meet this criteria. 

Homework (Work on this if you finish the Analytical Instruments Test)
Make sure your Cheese Lab procedure is ready for Tuesday. 

Revise Experimental Design
I read through your experimental designs and procedures for the cheese lab and provided feedback. Please look at my feedback and revise your procedure as necessary. We will be doing the lab when you come back on Tuesday. It is a competency!

Finish Posting Artifacts
By this time you should have 3 more Artifacts to post (Pipet Check, Micropipet Check, and Analytical Instruments Test). Create 3 more blog posts for these artifacts with the "Analytical Techniques Level 1" label. 

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Finishing Skill Tests

Pass all skill tests (graduated cylinder, pipet, micropipet).
Create your digital portfolio.

Create Blogger Portfolio
Skill Tests
Complete Metric Packet Part B

Create Blogger Portfolio
  1. Download the Google Photos app.
  2. Create a new blog. This will be your portfolio for the Comp. X badges. 
    1. In Safari, go to and login using your account. Do NOT use your personal gmail!!!
    2. Select "Create a limited profile" NOT Google+
    3. For your display name, type your first and last name.
    4. Click on "New Blog" on the top left sidebar.
    5. Blog Title: [Your Full Name] Science Digital Portfolio
    6. Blog Address: [Your Full Name] (no spaces).
    7. Select a template of your choice.
    8. When it prompts you to buy a domain, select “No Thanks”
    9. Go to "Layout" on the left sidebar. Under sidebar-right-1 select “Add Gadget,” then  tap on the + sign next to "Labels,” then tap “Save.” This will add a tag list to your blog.
Skill Tests
Complete artifacts 1, 2, and 3 of the Analytical Techniques Level 1 badge by the end of today. 

Complete Metric Packet
At a bare minimum, you need to complete Part B. If you are finished early, move on to Part C. Try to teach yourself dimensional analysis using Part C. 

Analytical Techniques Test tomorrow. Study by completing Part B in the metric packet.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Metric Conversions and Micropipettes

Convert between metric units using conversion factors.
Accurately and precisely measure mass and volume using balances, graduated cylinders, pipets, and micropipets. 

Metric Conversions
Pipet and Micropipet Practice
Socrative Quiz

Understanding the Metric System
Complete Part B in the Metric Packet.

Pipet and Micropipet Practice
I will walk you through proper micropipet technique. Aim to complete artifacts 2 and 3 of the Analytical Techniques Level 1 badge by the end of today. 

Socrative Quiz
This quiz will be on metric conversions. Open Socrative and log into the appropriate room. Your student ID to log in will be your email address.
Period 1 - WALLACEP1
Period 2 - WALLACEP2
Period 4 - WALLACEP4

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The Metric System and Pipets

Convert between metric units using conversion factors.
Accurately and precisely measure mass and volume using balances, graduated cylinders, pipets, and micropipets. 

Understanding the Metric System
Pipet and Graduated Cylinder Practice
Socrative Quiz

Understanding the Metric System
Download this packet and open it in Notability (I'll walk you through how to do this).
Complete Part A. 

Pipet and Graduated Cylinder Practice
I will walk you through proper pipet technique. Aim to complete artifacts 1 and 2 of the Analytical Techniques Level 1 badge by the end of today. 

Socrative Quiz
Open Socrative and log into the appropriate room. Your student ID to log in will be your email address.
Period 1 - WALLACEP1
Period 2 - WALLACEP2
Period 4 - WALLACEP4

Monday, August 29, 2016

Tools of the Trade

Convert between metric units using conversion factors.
Accurately and precisely measure mass and volume using balances, graduated cylinders, pipets, and micropipets. 

Intro to Comp. X
Hands-On Practice

Describe something you have accomplished that makes you proud.

Intro to Comp. X
Discuss: What is a portfolio? What are badges? What is the value in these two things?

Competency X is a system for showing what you know and can do in regards to being a scientist. We have worked with professionals from the biotech industry to create badges representing skill sets that are valued in industry. You will create a portfolio representing these skills and earn these badges. 

You can see the badge map here. Click on the boxes to view the different badge requirements. 

Hands-On Practice
Complete Artifact 1 for the Analytical Techniques Level 1 badge. 

Journal-Reliable Measurements
Explain how accurate and precise measurements are important in science or engineering research.