Friday, September 9, 2016

Comp. 1 Test

Get a 2.5 or higher on the analytical biochem test.

Revise Short Report

You will have 10 minutes to review before the test. 

You will take the Competency 1: Analytical Biochem test. You may not listen to music. 

Revise Short Report
If you finish early, sit quietly and revise your cheese lab report until you think it's a 4.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Cheese Lab Write Up

Finish your cheese lab short report.
Study for tomorrow's test. 


Work with your lab partner to outline your CER and PE paragraphs. Use the Short Report Manual as a guideline. We will NOT write a PA paragraph for this lab. 

Silently write your CER/PE paragraphs in your Google Doc.

Review (last 10 minutes of class)
Trade iPads with your partner. Using the rubric, score your partner on each section of the short report. Turn this in to the sub and make sure your partner's name is at the top. 

Homework (you can work on this if you finish writing your CER/PE early)
Study for tomorrow's test.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Cheese Lab Take 2 Results

Complete the results section of your lab report. 

Collect Cheese Lab Results
Excel Tables
Exit Slip

Collect Cheese Lab Results
Use the whey-o-meter to collect results from your cheese lab. Make sure to record your measurements in the observations section of your Short Report document. See the lab manual for guidelines on taking good observations.

Excel Tables
Use the Excel app to generate a table from your data. I will teach you how to do this. Copy and paste the table into your Short Report. 

Exit Slip
Based on the data in your table, what claim would you make about the best way to make cheese? Answer your research question. 

Begin thinking about your CER/PE paragraphs. You will have time to write them tomorrow but you will want to have an idea about what to write. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Cheese Lab Take 2

Carry out the procedure you wrote for the cheese lab to eliminate protocol and measurement errors. 

Review Short Report
Cheese Lab

Review Short Report
For labs in this class you will be asked to write short reports. These are abbreviated formal lab reports and are competencies. There are some useful documents on the lab report reference page

With your partner, draw a diagram of how you will carry out your procedure. Make sure to label the equipment and measurements in your drawing. You must show this to me before you can begin your experiment. 

Cheese Lab:
Carry out your cheese lab procedure. If you have any questions on how to use the equipment feel free to ask. 

Homework (Start this if you finish early):
Complete the research question and background in your short report. You should have had a google doc template shared with you. Use this (if you don't I will not grade your work).