Friday, February 17, 2017

Intermolecular Forces

Construct an explanation relating the intermolecular forces of a molecule to its boiling point. 

Reading and Questions

  1. On your table you have a paper labeled "water," "methanol," "acetone," and "nonane."
  2. Draw the Lewis structure for your molecule. 
  3. Write the dipole for each bond in your compound if applicable. 
  4. Make a note of the bond polarity and rotational symmetry/asymmetry of your molecule. 
  5. Determine if your molecule is polar or nonpolar. 
  1. Watch this video and take notes in your table. You can partner up to do this. 
  2. Create a new journal entry entitled "Intermolecular Forces."
    1. Write down the 3 different intermolecular forces you learned about and their definitions.
    2. Write 3 main points about intermolecular forces that you learned from the video.
Reading and Questions

  1. Identify the functional group in your molecule. Using table 4.1 label it with the correct intermolecular force. 
  2. Use the provided tables and graphs to answer the questions on this Google Form. You will get an email with your results after school. 

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