Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Badge Day

Earn the Planning 2 badge.

How would you teach a freshman?
How do you write a reflection?
Badge Work

Create a new journal entry entitled Self-Score. Use the rubric in the sidebar to score your journal. Also consider the worksheets you did for the bonding unit in your self-score. 

How would you teach a freshman?
Grab a whiteboard. Imagine you had to teach a freshman how to design an experiment. You should be an expert by now. What would you tell them? Write it on your whiteboard. 

How do you write a reflection?
What is the purpose of the badge portfolio? What writing should you include to enhance the artifacts you upload?

Badge Work
Complete the planning 2 badge.
  1. Upload your experiment design plan for your "Process" artifact and write a reflection.
  2. Upload your completed lab report as the "Product" artifact and write a reflection. 
  3. In the "Metacognitive Reflection," explain how being able to use the experiment design plan and plan experiments makes you a better scientist. 
  4. Request feedback.

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