Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Chemical Elements Review

Prepare for tomorrow's test.

Warmup-Journal Self-Score
Review Comp. Guide

Warmup-Journal Self Score

  1. Create a new journal entry entitled self-score
  2. Use the rubric in the sidebar (right) to give yourself a grade and justify why you deserve that grade. Also consider, have your work habits (effort, completion) been improving or declining this year?
Review Comp. Guide
  1. I will pass out the comp. guide to you. In the empty box, rate your understanding for each objective. 
    • +   if you get it
    • -    if you sort of get it
    • 0   if you don't get it'
  2. Star the objectives you need to work on the most today.
Use the provided resources to prepare yourself for tomorrow's test:

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