Thursday, October 20, 2016

Badge Day!

Earn badges by curating artifacts and reflecting on your progress towards being a practicing scientist.

Work on Badges

  1. Grab a whiteboard and draw a line down the middle. 
  2. Label one side "Scientifically Minded Citizens" and the other side "Skilled Biotechnicians."
  3. With your group, brainstorm the skills and habits of mind of scientifically minded citizens and biotechnicians. Record your ideas on the whiteboards.
If you didn't do it last night, please sign up for a Wordpress account and download the Wordpress app on your iPad. Full tutorial can be found here
Create a Google Drive folder entitled "Comp. X Badge Portfolio." Templates can be found here.

Work on Badges
If you finished the Analytical Techniques L1 badge on Blogger, request it now. 
  1. Join the badges Analytical Techniques L1 and/or Planning L1 on Badgelist. 
  2. Write the blog posts specified by the badge evidence tasks. 
  3. Before you post, make a category with the name of the badge. 
  4. Request the badge on Badgelist by submitting your category link. 
On the provided paper, answer the following questions:
  1. What is 1 thing you like about Comp. X
  2. What is 1 area for improvement (for Comp. X)?

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