Monday, April 24, 2017

Keep Working

Complete research.
Model system.

Complete Research:
Continue your system research. If you are studying a local community issue, Voice of San Diego has a lot of great articles as does the Union Tribune and KPBS

Model System
Once you have a rough sketch of your model, use Pureflow to make a cleaned up final draft. Here is the rubric I will be grading you on. A 4 has the following components:

  • A key is provided to help the viewer understand color codes or symbols.
  • Components and relationships are identified and defined based on research.
  • Colors, labels, and arrows are used to clearly classify the components and make their relationships easier to understand (e.g., inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes, funding, laws, organizations)
  • The components are arranged spatially in a way that is easy to read.

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