Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Welcome Back!

Take steps towards earning the Planning 2 Badge by making sense of the pea lab protocol. 

Welcome Back!
Pea Lab

Welcome Back!
Take a few minutes to catch up with your classmates.

Log into Socrative and take the pre-assessment for this new unit.

  1. Create a new journal entry entitled "Pea Lab Protocol."
  2. Create a Procedures and Observations table in the journal entry
  3. Copy and paste the procedure from this protocol into the "Procedures" section of your table. 
  4. With your table, draw a detailed flowgram of what you will be doing in this lab.
Pea Lab
Complete steps 1-7 of the lab procedure.

Just like the cheese and sand/soil labs, you will be asked to go more in depth with this lab by designing your own experiment, helping you to earn the Planning 2 badge. Today we will be thinking about the Process piece for the badge. To design an experiment you need to know the concepts that drive the procedures. Before you leave I want to know that you are really picking apart and making sense of the lab protocol. In your journal, please do the following:
  1. Use the comments feature of Google Docs to annotate the lab procedure. Specifically focus on trying to figure out why you are doing each step and record any questions that you might have about what was done in the procedure.
  2. Write 2 short responses to the following prompts:
    1. What is one conceptual question you have about what you did in this lab procedure (see lab protocol for some examples)? Research the answer to your question. Based on your research, what did you discover?
    2. What biochemical process do you think is going to happen in this lab? Based on that, what do you think the results of your 2 samples are going to look like?

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