Identify the functional groups in a molecule and predict how the functional group affects how the molecule interacts with the human body.
Smells Lab
Card Sort
Socrative Quiz
Smells and Functional Groups Worksheet (import into Notability)
- Create a new journal entry entitled "Smells."
- Copy down WHAT we are learning today. Hint: It's written on the whiteboard and at the top of this blog post.
- Answer the question: How do you smell things?
Smells Lab
Complete page 1 of the worksheet, testing the smell samples, describing them, and categorizing them as fishy, putrid, sweet, or minty.
Card Sort
Complete pages 2 and 3 of the worksheet, sorting the cards by functional group then connecting specific functional groups to their smells.
Socrative Quiz
Login to Socrative.
Open up your science journal. At the bottom of today's entry, use the crosscutting concepts of patterns and structure & function to explain why different substances have different smells.
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