Monday, October 31, 2016

Intro to Infographics

Goal:Visually explain a scientific phenomenon.

Why Infographics?
How to Infographic

With your group, look at the following 4 infographics.
Discuss the following questions:
  1. What strategies were used to present the information?
  2. Which infographic was best? Why?
Why Infographics?
Watch this TED talk (start at ~7:45) and think about why data visualization is useful. 

How To Infographic
In creating infographics, there are a few strategies and tools to employ. Read about them here:

You will create infographics to answer your museum project question. Grab a whiteboard and answer the following questions with your project group:
  1. What are all of the possible phenomena you need to explain to answer your third grader's question?
  2. Which information, facts, and data are essential to include? Which aren’t?
  3. What colors and layout works best in sharing the information?
  4. What graphs and graphics best convey information and data to the viewer?
  5. What is the order, or flow, of information?
You will each create a draft of an infographic for your project individually in Notability. Work on that now. 

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