Explain a science phenomenon that answers a third grader's question.
Project Setup
Choose a Question
Answer the Question
Find Your Standard
Plan for Tomorrow
How do effective teams work? Think about...
- What do effective teams look and sound like?
- How are effective teams managed?
- How is the work divided?
Project Setup
- Choose roles for each member of your team. Consider roles such as facilitator, scribe, etc.
- Have your scribe make a copy of this Google doc and share it with your team members and me.
Choose a Question
A few weeks ago I met with a third grade teacher at Rock Springs Elementary School. Her students came up with a list of questions about the world around them to guide your museum exhibits.
- Look at this list of questions and choose one with your group.
- Once you have chosen a question, tell me and I will sign you up. Only 1 group per question: first come, first served.
Answer the Question
Work with your team to find the answer to your third graders' question. Record the answer on your Google Doc. You will need to refer back to this throughout the project so it's important you really understand the answer to the question.
Here is a folder with the 3rd grade textbooks. You might be able to find some information there.
Here is a folder with the 3rd grade textbooks. You might be able to find some information there.
Find Your Standard
- Look at the list of third grade science standards and find the one that matches your question best.
- It's impossible to teach an entire science standard in your exhibit. Choose one evidence statement that matches your research question.
- Record the standard and evidence statement on your Google Doc.
Plan for Tomorrow
I won't be here tomorrow and you need to start brainstorming ideas for your exhibit because you begin building a prototype on Wednesday. Here's what you are going to do:
- Create a Padlet for your team. This is a webpage where you can share links, photos, etc. You will use this as an idea board where you put as many ideas for museum exhibits to answer your question as you can think of.
- Copy the link to your Padlet and paste it into the Google Doc.
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