Convert between metric units using conversion factors.
Accurately and precisely measure mass and volume using balances, graduated cylinders, pipets, and micropipets.
Intro to Comp. X
Hands-On Practice
Describe something you have accomplished that makes you proud.
Intro to Comp. X
Discuss: What is a portfolio? What are badges? What is the value in these two things?
Competency X is a system for showing what you know and can do in regards to being a scientist. We have worked with professionals from the biotech industry to create badges representing skill sets that are valued in industry. You will create a portfolio representing these skills and earn these badges.
You can see the badge map here. Click on the boxes to view the different badge requirements.
Hands-On Practice
Complete Artifact 1 for the Analytical Techniques Level 1 badge.
Journal-Reliable Measurements
Explain how accurate and precise measurements are important in science or engineering research.
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