Monday, December 12, 2016

The Bohr Model

Be able to draw a Bohr model for any atom and use it to identify the number of valence electrons.

Bohr + m&m's
Make Model Cards
Exit Ticket

Create a new entry in your Science Journal entitled "Bohr Model" and answer the following questions about the three models shown below:

  1. Which model do you think is the most useful? Why do you think that?
  2. Which model do you think is the most accurate? Why do you think that?
  3. Are the most accurate models always the most useful? Give an example. 
Bohr + m&m's
Work in partners.
  1. Copy these questions into your science journal. 
  2. Get an expo marker, Bohr model paper, and m&m's from me.
  3. Use the model and the m&m's to complete the questions in your science journal.
Make Model Cards
Using what you now know about Bohr models, work with your partner to complete the Bohr model cards I give you.

Exit Ticket
Complete the exit ticket. 

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