Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Nuclear Project Day 1

Write an essential questions to drive exploration of a phenomenon.
Use reliable web resources to answer questions about a phenomenon.

get REAL
Choose Project Topic
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Go here and find a current event science article to read and share with the class.

get REAL
Discuss: What strategies do you use to make sure the website you are using is reliable?
Review this infographic. Use it to evaluate whether you have a good web resource or not.

Choose Project Topic
For the next 3 days you will be researching a topic related to nuclear reactions in your life. You will be creating an infographic to educate the public about your topic and address misconceptions and misinformation about nuclear reactions. You can view the project guidelines here

  1. Pick a partner. Choose wisely.
  2. Decide on a nuclear topic you want to explore further. First come first served. 
  3. Come up with a question you would like to explore related to your topic.
  4. In your science journal find and record at least 3 reliable websites with information that can help you answer your question. 
  5. Write a 5 sentence summary of each article you found in your science journal. 
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Fill out this Google Form individually.

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