Friday, September 23, 2016

Food Calorimetry Pre-Lab

Design a calorimetry experiment to calculate the amount of energy in different foods. 

Practice Quizlet Flashcards

Warmup - Socrative Quiz
Demo + Discussion
Design a Procedure - Flowgram
Class Write - Protocol

Warmup - Socrative Quiz
Login to Socrative and take the quiz

Demo + Discussion 
Demo: Jug-O-Doom (again, because it's fun)

  1. What forms of energy are represented in this demo?
  2. Using the principles of heat transfer, how might we calculate the amount of chemical energy that was released in the demo?
Read the background for Monday's lab to get an idea of how scientists use calorimetry experiments to measure the amount of energy in a substance. 

Design a Procedure - Flowgram
On whiteboards, draw a flowgram to show how you can use calorimetry to find out how much energy is in different foods. Be specific, we will use these to write a procedure. 

Class Write - Protocol
Choose a scribe. Get in a circle. We are going to use what you came up with on your whiteboards to write a step-by-step protocol for Monday's lab. 

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